Messages by Ross Slaughter (Page 12)

Messages by Ross Slaughter (Page 12)

The Trinity (Not, best Two out of Three)

Three in one and one in three – this may not be as hard to conceptualize as you may think. God has revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We need the whole Trinity to encounter the fullness of God and the fullness He has for us. We explore this on Trinity Sunday – May 30. Our Scripture: Ephesians 3.14-19Our Message: THE TRINITY (NOT, BEST TWO OUT OF THREE)

We Have the Power from On High

You have heard of the Holy Spirit. Would you like to know more about Him?This Sunday ~ Pentecost: The Sunday of the Holy Spirit ~ we go to a promise Jesus made just before He ascended to the Father. He instructed His band of followers to wait in the City of Jerusalem for “the power from on high.” That power is promised to every born-again believer. It was on the Jewish holy day of Pentecost (Savuot: The Feast of Weeks)…

We Have Access to the Father

Do you feel a distance between you and God? Do you know how that distanced can be bridged? The message this week: WE HAVE ACCESS TO THE FATHER. Jesus died, rose from the dead, and lives to bridge that distance. Our scripture: Hebrews 4.14-16. The series: THE STONE IS ROLLED AWAY, NOW WHAT? This series is about the resurrected life in Jesus.

We have the Mind of Christ

One of the things that comes with our new life in Christ is access to God’s wisdom (and boy, do we need that!). WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST – a message title from 1 Corinthians 2.14-16. This is the fifth message in a post-Easter series: THE STONE IS ROLLED AWAY, NOW WHAT?

We are More Than Conquerors

This is the fourth message in a post-Easter series: THE STONE IS ROLLED AWAY, NOW WHAT? We focus on seven New Creation Realities. This week: WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS. Our scripture is: Romans 8.31-39

We Are Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing

This is the third message in a post-Easter series: THE STONE IS ROLLED AWAY, NOW WHAT? We focus on seven New Creation Realities, the third of which is WE ARE BLESSED WITH EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING. Our scripture is: Ephesians 1.3-6

We Have Freedom in Christ

This is the second message in a post-Easter Series: THE STONE IS ROLLED AWAY, NOW WHAT? We focus on seven New Creation Realities, the second of which is: WE HAVE FREEDOM IN CHRIST. Our scripture is: John 8.31-36

We Have Peace With God

This is the first message in a Post-Easter Series: THE STONE IS ROLLED AWAY, NOW WHAT? We focus on seven New Creation Realities, the first of which is: WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD. Our scripture is: Romans 5.1-5

Rock, Paper, Scissors

ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS is not only the title of the message, but also the outline of the message. Tune in to find out how Rock, Paper, Scissors dovetails with the Resurrection Message. We have one service for Easter combining contemporary and traditional strands of worship and woven into one powerful experience with God.

The One Who Comes in the Name of the Lord

PALM SUNDAY! What is it? This Sunday’s celebration marks the time Jesus rides into the City of Jerusalem as the true King of Israel. He rides into the city on a donkey colt while the people cheer Him as their champion. They are hoping He will be the general who will finally rid them of Roman occupation and restore Israel’s independence. Not only does Jesus ride into Jerusalem, but He also rides into the final week of His earthly ministry.…