Messages by Ross Slaughter (Page 9)
House of Prayer – Hearts of Hate
PALM SUNDAY ~ APRIL 10, 2022 We praise the true king of our lives and marking His final offering of Himself for us by celebrating Communion. The Teaching: HOUSE OF PRAYER – HEARTS OF HATE The Scripture: Luke 19.28-48 The Series: ROAD TO THE CROSS The Speaker: Ross Slaughter, Pastor
Love’s Ultimate Cost
Apr 3 ~ the Fifth Sunday in Lent. Jesus tells a story of a man who had two sons … one who ran away from home … the other who stayed. This father however does the unexpected. Shows compassion that restores the runaway. Jesus describes His cross bearing intentions through this story many know as “The Prodigal Son.” The Scripture: Luke 15.11-32The Teaching: LOVE’S ULTIMATE COSTThe Series: ROAD TO THE CROSS
The Compassion of the Cross
Jesus tells a story (a parable) which features a most unlikely hero showing the most amazing compassion, a compassion that prefigures the very cross Jesus Himself would be executed upon. The Scripture: Luke 10.25-37The Teaching: THE COMPASSION OF THE CROSSThe Series: ROAD TO THE CROSS
Council Against Him
Mar 13 ~ the Second Sunday in Lent. We continue on the Road to the Cross. Jesus heals a man in the synagogue on the sabbath in front of the religious authorities. We are still early in Jesus’ ministry, and already they meet in private how thy might get rid of Him. Jesus’ cross was not made just of wood, it was constructed out of hate and jealousy. The Scripture: Luke 6.1-11The Teaching: COUNCIL AGAINST HIM: WHAT TO DO WITH…
Jesus: Light to Nations and Cultures
The first witness of the Epiphany Season is the visit of the Wise Men to the Christ Child. These are pagan astronomers (!) and they see the true significance of Jesus. The Teaching: JESUS: LIGHT TO NATIONS AND CULTURES The Scripture: Matthew 2.1-12 Epiphany Series: ARISE! SHINE! OUR LIGHT HAS COME The date: January 2, 2022
Jesus: Good News to All People
We celebrate a special service of the season ~ A Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Join in for this encouraging message. Thanks. The Teaching: JESUS: THE GOOD NEWS TO ALL PEOPLE The Scripture: Luke 2.1-20 The date: December 24, 2021
Jesus: The One Who Will Save His People from Their Sins
After exploring how the remarkable birth stories of Isaac, Moses, and Samuel help us to understand the life and ministry of Jesus, now we focus on Jesus Himself as we turn to Matthew’s version of His birth this Sunday, December 19.The Teaching: JESUS: HE WILL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS The Scripture: Matthew 1.18-25
Samuel: The Raising of the Prophetic Voice
This Advent we have looked at remarkable birth stories from the Old Testament as Isaac, Moses, and now Samuel throw light on the birth, significance and work of Jesus. The Teaching: SAMUEL: THE RAISING OF THE PROPHETIC VOICEThe Scripture: 1 Samuel 1.1-28The Series: HE HAS COME TO SAVE
Moses: The One to Deliver
As we look at stores of remarkable births this Advent season, we turn to Exodus 2 and 3 for the birth and calling of Moses. There are striking parallels between Moses and Jesus, as the birth and life of Moses points beyond himself to the One who would ultimately fulfill the work of deliverance. The Teaching: MOSES: THE ONE TO DELIVERThe Scriptures: Exodus 2.1-10 and Exodus 3.1-10Advent Series: HE HAS COME TO SAVE
Isaac: Child of Promise
We have a special Advent Season this year under the Christ-centered theme: HE HAS COME TO SAVE. We will look at three Old Testament birth stories ~ Isaac, Moses, and Samuel ~ to see how each of the ‘miracles’ point to Jesus and deepen our understanding of Him.