Messages (Page 11)
We Are the New Jerusalem
We culminate this summer’s series on biblical images of the church by going to the end of the Bible to see the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven and the saints of God dwelling on the new earth. Here is when God truly dwells with His people. The scripture: John 14.1-3 and Revelation 21.1-7 The teaching: WE ARE THE NEW JERUSALEM The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP!
Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control
The teaching: FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: SELF-CONTROL The scripture: GALATIANS 5.22-23 The date: August 22, 2021
Christ Among the Golden Lampstands
The Golden Lampstands are the Seven Churches of Revelation. Jesus, the High Priest, has charge of His temple lights. He stands among the churches with full authority as Lord, and He has a message and mission for each. The scripture: Revelation 1.9-20 The teaching: CHRIST AMONG THE LAMPSTANDS The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP!
Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness
The teaching: FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: GENTLENESS The scripture: GALATIANS 5.22-23 The date: August 15, 2021
We are the New Humanity
Jesus followers are united in a way that transcend ethnicity, race, and political boarders. There is a unity of spirit, mission, and destiny. The scripture: Ephesians 2.11-22 The teaching: WE ARE THE NEW HUMANITY The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP
WE are Ambassadors for Christ
We are Ambassadors for Christ. Ambassadors represent their home country on foreign soil. They represent their country’s leadership and abide by the policies of their nation. The Bible says that “our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3.20). As ambassador’s of Christ, we represent our new home country – heaven – and its king – Jesus Christ – on foreign soil – the earth (This world is not our home). The scripture: 2 Corinthians 5.17-21 The teaching: WE ARE AMBASSADOR FOR…
Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness
The teaching: FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: FAITHFULNESS The scripture: GALATIANS 5.22-23 The date: August 8, 2021
We are a Royal Priesthood
Not only has God called His ekklesia (church) out of the world, but places it back into the world as a royal priesthood. And although you may wonder what that is about, it is about standing in the gap for lost and needy world. We have more to say about this this Sunday. The scripture: 1 Peter 2.4-6, 9-10 The teaching: WE ARE A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP!
The Fruit 0f the Spirit: Kindness
The teaching: FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: FAITHFULNESS The scripture: GALATIANS 5.22-23 The date: August 8, 2021
We are the Household of God
Household, family, belonging, home … a power image of the Church as God designed it. The scripture: Matthew 12.46-50 The teaching: WE ARE THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP!