Messages (Page 12)

Messages (Page 12)

We are a Royal Priesthood

Not only has God called His ekklesia (church) out of the world, but places it back into the world as a royal priesthood. And although you may wonder what that is about, it is about standing in the gap for lost and needy world. We have more to say about this this Sunday. The scripture: 1 Peter 2.4-6, 9-10 The teaching: WE ARE A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP!

We are the Household of God

Household, family, belonging, home … a power image of the Church as God designed it. The scripture: Matthew 12.46-50 The teaching: WE ARE THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP!

We are the Flock of God

An image of church and Savior that still speaks is that of a flock and shepherd. Jesus said: “My sheep hear My voice.” This is how we know to follow … We hear His voice. The scriptures: Psalm 23 and John 10.1-18 The teaching: WE ARE THE FLOCK OF GOD The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP!

We are the Spirit-filled Community

We are not a club. We are not a religion. We are not the mere product of culture or society. We are a community marked, energized, filled with, led by, and empowered with the very Spirit of the Living God The scriptures: Mark 1.1-4,8 . 1 Corinthians 12.4-11; 14.1a . Galatians 5.22-25 The teaching: WE ARE THE SPIRIT-FILLED COMMUNITY The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP!

We are Salt and Light

On this Independence Day we take a moment to specifically view how the community of faith is related to the life of the nation. The scripture: Matthew 5.1-16 The teaching: WE ARE SALT AND LIGHT The series: WILL THE REAL CHURCH PLEASE STAND UP!