Messages (Page 15)

Messages (Page 15)

Rock, Paper, Scissors

ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS is not only the title of the message, but also the outline of the message. Tune in to find out how Rock, Paper, Scissors dovetails with the Resurrection Message. We have one service for Easter combining contemporary and traditional strands of worship and woven into one powerful experience with God.

Palm Sunday

This week is Palm Sunday! We continue our children’s series on Jesus, who he is, and why he came by talking about the meaning of Palm Sunday.

The One Who Comes in the Name of the Lord

PALM SUNDAY! What is it? This Sunday’s celebration marks the time Jesus rides into the City of Jerusalem as the true King of Israel. He rides into the city on a donkey colt while the people cheer Him as their champion. They are hoping He will be the general who will finally rid them of Roman occupation and restore Israel’s independence. Not only does Jesus ride into Jerusalem, but He also rides into the final week of His earthly ministry.…

The Good Shepherd

This week’s children’s message continues the series on Jesus, who he is, and why he came. Today we talk about how Jesus is the good shepherd.

With Eyes Wide Open

WITH EYES WIDE OPEN: A blind man heard that Jesus was passing by. He cried out for Jesus’ attention – and he got it. He received his sight. This story ends with a new beginning: “… and he followed Jesus on the way.” (Formerly) blind Bartimaeus now follows Jesus with eyes wide open. We are to do the same. Our scripture: Mark 10.46-52. The message: WITH EYES WIDE OPEN. Join us in person or online with FACEBOOK LIVE at 9…

Right side Up in an Upside Down World

RIGHT SIDE UP IN AN UPSIDE-DOWN WORLD: Two of Jesus’ disciples want to cut in line and be ‘first’ in the new kingdom Jesus is supposed to bring (“Grant to us to sit – one at your right and one at your left.”). Jesus counters (respectfully, but firmly) that they must share His “baptism” – His immersion in the real cost of redemptive living. Jesus points out to all the disciples that the world is a world of competition and…

In The Valley

Jesus has just been on the mountain, revealing His inner glory to three of His disciples. Now, it is time to go into the valley – to real life. The valley is the place where life has its store of pain, distress, and chaos. Jesus reveals glory here as well. Our scripture: Mark 9.14-29. The message: IN THE VALLEY

Baptism of Jesus

his week we continue our children’s series that will carry us through Easter on Jesus, who he is and why he came. Today we talk about the baptism of Jesus. Date: February 28, 2021. Speaker: Hannah Hebenthal, Director of Children’s Ministry.